Hockey Hub - Quick portal for Hockey nerds
Just type a query and hit enter or the Go button.
The order of the keywords does not matter. You can type lines habs, ovechkin cap or 2014 stats habs, it makes no difference. The case is also irrelevant. Note that writing a ! before the command/query is not required anymore, but still works.
lines | team | Team lines on Daily Faceoff |
stats | [year] team | Team stats on, year optional |
schedule | team | Team schedule on |
draft | team oryear or | Draft history for team or year on Elite Prospects |
cap | team orplayer or | Cap information for team or player on CapFriendly |
player | player | Search for player on Elite Prospects |
depth | team | Team depth chart on Elite Prospects |
prospects | team | Team prospects on Elite Prospects |
trades | team | Team trade history on NHL Trade Tracker |
jersey | [team] number orname or | Find a player by jersey number |
highlights | [team] | Game Highlights, team optional |
team | Team subreddit on Reddit |
Teams can be referred to by code, location or names. For instance the Montreal Canadiens can be referred to as mtl, montreal, canadiens or habs.
Full reference
Name | Identifiers |
Anaheim Ducks | ducksanaanaheim |
Boston Bruins | bruinsbosboston |
Buffalo Sabres | sabresbufbuffalo |
Calgary Flames | flamescgycalgary |
Carolina Hurricanes | hurricanescanescarcarolina |
Chicago Blackhawks | blackhawkshawkschichicago |
Colorado Avalanche | avalancheavscolcolorado |
Columbus Blue Jackets | blue jacketsbluejacketsjacketscbjcolumbus |
Dallas Stars | starsdaldallas |
Detroit Red Wings | red wingsredwingswingsdetdetroit |
Edmonton Oilers | oilersedmedmonton |
Florida Panthers | panthersflaflorida |
Los Angeles Kings | kingslaklos angeleslosangeles |
Minnesota Wild | wildminminnesota |
Montreal Canadiens | canadienshabsmtlmontreal |
Nashville Predators | predatorspredsnshnashville |
New Jersey Devils | devilsnjdnew jerseynewjersey |
New York Islanders | islandersislesnyi |
New York Rangers | rangersnyr |
Ottawa Senators | senatorssensottottawa |
Philadelphia Flyers | flyersphiphiladelphia |
Arizona Coyotes | coyotesariarizona |
Pittsburgh Penguins | penguinspenspitpittsburgh |
San Jose Sharks | sharkssjssan josesanjose |
St. Louis Blues | bluesstlst. louisst.louisstlouis |
Tampa Bay Lightning | lightningtampatbltampa baytampabay |
Toronto Maple Leafs | maple leafsmapleleafsleafstortoronto |
Vancouver Canucks | canucksnucksvanvancouver |
Vegas Golden Knights | golden knightsgoldenknightsknightsvgkvegas |
Washington Capitals | capitalscapswshwashington |
Winnipeg Jets | jetswpgwinnipeg |
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